A God-Given Task | Ecclesiastes 3:9-15 | Week 11

Knowing that God is in charge of the times and seasons in our lives is a truth designed, NOT to discourage us or cause us to take a fatalistic view of life, but rather it is designed to encourage us to trust in the One who is ultimately in control. We learn that this very God, who is in control of all seasons and timing in our lives, also has our good in mind. Although not all seasons and times are pleasant, we have been given a gift to be preoccupied with in our thinking that will allow us to traverse this life “under the sun” in an enjoyable and satisfying fashion. Preached: 12/27/2019


Knowing that God is in charge of the times and seasons in our lives is a truth designed, NOT to discourage us or cause us to take a fatalistic view of life, but rather it is designed to encourage us to trust in the One who is ultimately in control.



A High Priest - Why You Need One | Hebrews 5:1-3, 7:23-27, 10:11-14


Divine Timing "Under the Sun" | Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 | Week 10