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Verse-by-Verse Book Series

Behold The Lamb - The Book of John

The heart of the apostle John bleeds through the pages of his gospel account of the life of Jesus Christ. Not only can you see his deep, deep love for the Lord Jesus, but you can also sense his deep, deep love for each one of us. If John could summarize his goal for you in reading his gospel account, it would simply be this: believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.

God’s Strange Work - Jonah & Nahum

Isaiah 28:21 mentions “God’s Strange Work.” In context, this is referring to God judging His chosen people, Israel. Because of God’s heart, He desires to provide a substitute for the execution of His justice. Justice must be extended, but because of God’s love and mercy, He provides a way for justice to fall on a substitute. The books of Jonah and Nahum, along with the time period in between and immediately following, take us through a season where we can observe the character of God in this area of His ”strange work.”

Racing Through Revelation (2024 Study)

During this Sunday Night study entitled “Racing Through Revelation”, we will move at a quicker pace through the last biblical book and provide some overviews and summaries of related eschatological doctrines, include the Rapture of the Church.

Revelation: Biblical Prophecy 101 (2018 Study)

Join us as we dive into the Book of Revelation, as well as other end times topics such as the rapture, the tribulation, the Millennial Kingdom, the Great White Throne judgment, and more.

The Book of Ecclesiastes

Have you ever wondered about the meaning or purpose of life? Have you ever experienced moments of overwhelming frustration or disillusionment with life in general? The Book of Ecclesiastes is an brutally honest, down to earth, interaction with life on earth. The book focuses on finding God in the details of the daily grind of living, with a desire to provide “big-picture” perspective when we cannot understand the myriad of details in our circumstances.

The Book of Romans Series

GCF's The Book of Romans is a verse-by-verse study through the book of Romans in the Bible. Pastor John Clark dives deep into Romans, revealing and teaching us what this book of the Bible has to say about salvation, God's grace, good works, living by faith, and much more! Start with week 1, or watch one that seems most interesting to you!

Ephesians: IN Christ

Do you know who you are? NOT, where you are from? NOT, whose family you are a part of? NOT, what your personality type is? Do you, as a believer, know WHO you are? Join us as we discover what God has to say about who we are in the book of Ephesians.


The second law of thermodynamics says in essence: In the absence of an organizing force, systems or processes invariably tend to go from order to disorder. Even though the church of Jesus Christ is exempt from this natural law, it is not exempt from the spiritual principle. The many churches of Jesus Christ, wherever they are in all the world, require organization and ongoing maintenance to keep them from disintegration.

Topical Studies

The Slippery Slope of Success

Success is often the first step towards failure. 1 Corinthians 10:12 says it well, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” Often, it is in the very moments that we feel “successful” or that we “stand,” that we are most vulnerable to falling. Join us as we look at the lives of multiple Old Testament characters and observe these patterns, so that we might understand and avoid the same pitfalls.


A sermon series on how we can know with 100% certainty how and why we are eternally secure in our salvation.

What Is The Gospel?

Across the realm of Christianity, there are many different beliefs on how one gets saved, but the overall understanding of how a person entered an eternity with God is EERILY SIMILAR! The focus for most is on what you must DO and/or what you must CONTINUE TO DO. Their focus, overall, is on themselves. What is the true gospel?

It Is What It Is

“It is what it is” – A phrase used countless times in our society by ourselves and others to express frustration or resignation with a situation that seems overwhelmingly unchangeable. But is that the truth!

Acceptable Service

Much of Christianity emphasizes ‘service’ as the primary goal for the Christian. Rarely is ‘service’ qualified and thus the general consensus is that Christians should just ‘serve’ no matter what. However, we know from the Scriptures that our service will be evaluated by the Lord…so, how do we serve acceptably?

Til Death Do Us Part

How many marriages are thriving, and how many are just SURVIVING? Join us as we explore this question by considering the REAL problems that marriages face, and providing the biblical solution for a thriving marriage.

This Should Be A Movie

Hollywood is missing out on story lines that would make them millions! “This Should Be A Movie” is a short biblical narrative series, grabbing familiar Old Testament Sunday School stories and re-visiting them through older eyes.

How We Got Our Bible

Have you ever wondered how we received the Bible that we now hold in our hands? What was the process used to recognize which writings were inspired and which ones were not? Can we really be sure?

The Backstory

Everyone knows the Christmas story, but do you know THE BACKSTORY to the Christmas story? Thousands of years of human history led up to this one unforgettable event. Join us and see how all of these elements played a role in the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Christ Our Substitute

Christ our Substitute is a Sunday Night Series that covers many different biblical and theological terms that are used when discussing the finished work of Jesus Christ.

The Judgement Seat of Christ

What will happen at the judgement seat of Christ? What are heavenly rewards? Is it all important? Pastor John explores these questions and tackles some common misconceptions about them in a series about the judgement seat of Christ.

Biblical Distinctions

2 Timothy 2:15 tells us, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” This series will attempt to recognize some of the more common, but often ignored, divisions in Scripture.

Women of The Word

During this Sunday Night study entitled “Women of the Word”, we consider the lives of some of the most prominent women in the Bible and make applications to our own walk with the Lord.

In God’s House

In God’s House is a deep-dive verse-by-verse study through the book of 1st Timothy, with a focus on “the local church”.

Bible Study Methods

In this 2 part series, Pastor John explains how to study the Bible, using things like observation, interpretation, and application. Get the most out of your Bible reading time, catch misinterpretations, and grow in your spiritual walk with the Lord!

Turning Conversations To Spiritual Things

Have you ever wanted to have a spiritual discussion with a friend, but had no idea how to get the conversation started?

During this series, We'll be focusing on practical ways to include spiritual matters in everyday conversations, and also incorporating the book "Tactics" by Gregory Koukl to learn different strategies for moving spiritual discussions forward.

How We Got Our Bible

Dive into a quick 3-part series looking at “how” we got our English Bible. Discover how the Old Testament and New Testament Canon was established, and see examples of textual variants in the different Greek manuscripts, showing why they do not significantly alter any major Bible doctrine. Then to wrap up, we take a look at the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

All Series

Click to see all messages spoken at GCF, in the order they were produced.

Listen to various uplifting, challenging, thought provoking, but always Bible-based messages by different speakers and pastors that have spoken at Grace Community Fellowship.

A history of his previous messages that Pastor John preached at his church in Texas and various other places throughout 2011-2015.


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