A Partaker of the Olive Tree | Romans 11:13-18 | Week 63

This week Paul introduces two illustrations to explain what God is doing with Israel’s rejection and Gentile blessing. Paul uses an Old Testament firstfruits example, and then uses an olive tree example which he will continue to build upon through verse 24. The main point? – The entire world (Jew and Gentile) are in a position of unprecedented blessing to benefit from the work of Jesus Christ. This was predicted in the Abrahamic Covenant (see Genesis 12:3b with Galatians 3:8), and it came into effect in Paul’s day and continues to our day. As we will see next week, the ONLY way for someone NOT to benefit from this position of blessing is rejection of Jesus Christ, meaning they have NEVER believed in Him.


This week Paul introduces two illustrations to explain what God is doing with Israel's rejection and Gentile blessing. Paul uses an Old Testament firstfruits example, and then uses an olive tree example which he will continue to build upon through verse 24. What was the main point?



How to Remain a Branch in God's Grafting Masterpiece | Romans 11:18-24 | Week 64


The Mechanics of the Abrahamic Covenant | Romans 11:7-12 | Week 62