Consequences of Poor Leadership | Ecclesiastes 10:16-11:1 | Week 32

Solomon brings some much-needed balance to a discussion he started earlier. He had previously discussed the wisdom of obeying ruling authorities – but here he lets us know that this should NOT be taken as a blanket approval for everything they do. Some kings behave wisely and responsibly, and others do not. It is O.K. to recognize this, but it is still NOT O.K. to wish harm on them. It is a delicate balance of always recognizing and respecting the office they hold, but also evaluating their decisions with biblical truth in mind.


Solomon brings some much-needed balance to a discussion he started earlier. He had previously discussed the wisdom of obeying ruling authorities - but here h...



The Value of Diligence | Ecclesiastes 11:2-6 | Week 33


Wise Response To Unexpected Difficulties | Ecclesiastes 10:8-15 | Week 31