Introducing New Evidence | Ecclesiastes 2:24-3:1 | Week 9

The dead-end streets have been explored, and depression and hopelessness have set in. Finally in 2:24, at the end of his depressing and gloomy experiments, Solomon finds something “GOOD.” It comes ONLY as he changes his perspective and as he considers additional evidence. Now He’s going to consider life “above the sun,” so to speak. For the first time in the book, Solomon introduces divine perspective into the equation of assessing value and enjoyment of life on this earth. Preached: 12/8/2019


The dead-end streets have been explored, and depression and hopelessness have set in. Finally in 2:24, at the end of his depressing and gloomy experiments, Solomon finds something "GOOD." It comes ONLY as he changes his perspective and as he considers additional evidence. Now He's going to consider life "above the sun," so to speak.



Divine Timing "Under the Sun" | Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 | Week 10


Dead-End Streets - Part 5 | Ecclesiastes 2:17-23 | Week 8