Divine ‘Show and Tell’ | John 1:29-39 | Week 7 of Behold The Lamb

This morning, we are moving forward in “momentous week” in the life of Jesus, John the Baptist, and others. Remember last week, the first day of this seven-day sequence, the Jewish religious leaders interrogated John the Baptist about his identity. WHO was he and WHY should we listen to him?! In closing out that conversation, John the Baptist had just told the religious leaders that the Messiah was among them and they did not know Him. And now, on the VERY NEXT day, John evidently sees the Lord Jesus walking, and He is NOW ready to be identified to the world! This was the PINNACLE of John the Baptist’s ministry!



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God Can Use You - Bobby Burdett


The Interrogation of John | John 1:19-28 | Week 6 of Behold The Lamb