Receiving the Light | John 1:12-14 | Week 4 of Behold The Lamb

Last week, we looked at John the Baptist’s ministry – he shined the light on the LIGHT - he spotlighted the LIGHT! And yet, even though he identified Jesus Christ as the Messiah, we considered one of the most tragic passages in all of the Bible…John 1:10-11. After thousands of years of divine communication through oral and recorded prophecy predicting WHEN the Messiah would be born, WHERE He would be born, and WHAT He would be doing when He got here, the Jewish people (as a whole) rejected Him as their King – as their Savior! But NOT “all” did, and that is what we will look at this morning…



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The Unique Revelation of God | John 1:15-18 | Week 5 of Behold The Lamb


The Purpose of John the Baptist’s Ministry | John 1:6-11 | Week 3 of Behold The Lamb