Introduction to The Cast and Crew | John 1:40-51 | Week 8 of Behold The Lamb

This morning, we continue to move forward in a “momentous week” in the life of Jesus, John the Baptist, and future disciples. Remember last week, John the Baptist evidently sees the Lord Jesus returning from the 40 days of wilderness temptation (Matthew 4), and after John had baptized Him (Matthew 3). When John saw Him, He identified Him to the world! Two of John the Baptist’s disciples (Andrew and John the author) immediately followed Jesus to hang out with Him that day and now we will meet them and other disciples as well. This morning, we are going to see INTERACTIONS with Jesus produce DECLARATIONS about Jesus! John the Baptist’s testimony continues to trickle downhill from this point forward…



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Water To Wine | John 2:1-11 | Week 9 of Behold The Lamb


The What Ifs of Life | Psalm 124