The Keen Insight of Jesus | John 2:23-3:2 | Week 11 of Behold The Lamb

Last week, we saw Jesus “clean house” and really put Himself on the radar of the Jewish religious elite. They had asked Him for a divine sign or miracle to validate the authority He claimed for cleansing the Temple. Jesus pointed them to His future resurrection as the ultimate sign to validate and verify His identity and His message. However, now, at this same feast, we will see that Jesus interacts with the multitudes and performs multiple signs. However, the signs are not the main purpose of this section – the main purpose of this section is to reveal to us that Jesus KNOWS all men. In fact, the next two chapters (3 & 4), are going to illustrate His incredible insight into people!



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Christmas Eve Service


A Little Housekeeping | John 2:12-22 | Week 10 of Behold The Lamb