The Best Way to Shoot Your Arrows | Psalm 127:1-5 AND Proverbs 22:6 | Week 2

Last week we began looking at one of the most important relationships in the home – the parent-child relationship. And we said how this relationship, more than any other, reflects our role as disciple-makers on this earth! That’s the goal of parenting – dependent disciples of Jesus Christ! But HOW do you get there? What are God’s instructions to assist us in this task? This morning, we are going to specifically consider HOW God wants us to THINK as it relates to our children. We want to take His viewpoint on children, and thus this divine viewpoint mindset becomes our baseline for every activity we take in raising our kids.



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Train Up – Owning Your Teaching | Ephesians 6:4 & Deuteronomy 6:1-9 | Week 3


God’s Design and Plan | Psalm 127:1-5 | Biblical Parenting Week 1