The Second Sign - Healing of a Nobleman's Son | John 4:43-54 | Behold The Lamb

We have just finished Jesus’ divine appointment with a Samaritan woman, His “discipling of His disciples,” and the recording of the positive response of many of the Samaritan people to the woman’s testimony and Jesus’ own words. Now, Jesus continues on the journey that started about 3-4 days before and He begins a successful ministry in the region of Galilee. He begins a "successful" ministry tour of the region of Galilee, which will become His home base for the next 18-24 months. Although He did many signs and wonders here, John records one (a healing of a nobleman's son) to support his stated goal: that his audience may read about this and believe that Jesus is the Christ (John 20:30-31).



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The Third Sign - Healing of a Disabled Man | John 5:1-9 | Behold The Lamb


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