Coming to AND Arriving With the Bread of Life | John 6:32-37 | Behold The Lamb

We left off last week with Jesus at the very beginning of a discourse with a large crowd in Capernaum. This is the same crowd He fed miraculously just the day before. This discourse has come to be known as the Bread of Life discourse, and we will see Jesus and the crowd will go back and forth with their questions and comments and His corrections and clarifications. If we were to summarize and give the main purpose for the discourse, it is simply this: Jesus is attempting to clarify His identity for this crowd – He is their promised Messiah and thus they should trust Him! Now we are going to see something UNIQUE in the passage today – one must come TO the Bread of Life (by faith) in order to arrive WITH the Bread of Life in the resurrection.



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God's Will for Believers | John 6:38-44 | Behold The Lamb


This is the Work of God | John 6:26-31 | Behold The Lamb