"What's In It for Me?", The Epidemic of Consumerism In The Church | Epidemics of Christianity

This morning we look at another epidemic that is spreading and doing great harm to the Church of Jesus Christ – a consumerist view of church. The question, “What’s in it for me?” is the wrong question to ask when it comes to the Church of Jesus Christ, and yet for many this question permeates their thinking. Our Christian culture views church as one more entity in life that exists to meet my needs. If a church does not do so, many are quick to move on down the road to the next church who will. We are missing the “main point” of what Church should be all about. Join us this morning as we examine God’s mechanism for accomplishing His mission.


This morning we look at another epidemic that is spreading and doing great harm to the Church of Jesus Christ - a consumerist view of church. The question, "What's in it for me?" is the wrong question to ask when it comes to the Church of Jesus Christ, and yet for many this question permeates their thinking.


Intimacy with God: The Great Cover-Up | Epidemics of Christianity


New Testament Wine