Wise & Foolish Hearts | Ecclesiastes 7:4-10 | Week 20

One of the difficult things about life “under the sun” is that things are not always as they appear. Ecclesiastes 6:12 posed a question – “For who knows what is good for man in life…?” Chapter 7 builds on this question in the opposite way that one would think. This morning, we will continue to consider how God’s perspective on life and what is truly GOOD is different than ours. As with any divine truth, His way is to be preferred, even if on the surface it seems to be the very opposite to us. Understanding the value of all the individual scenes of life requires God’s perspective. Preached: June 14, 2020


One of the difficult things about life "under the sun" is that things are not always as they appear. Ecclesiastes 6:12 posed a question - "For who knows what...



The Value of Wisdom In Trials | Ecclesiastes 7:11-14 | Week 21


"Good" Grief | Ecclesiastes 7:1-3 | Week 19