All Messages
God Whispers
Pastor Carl Greene speaks on how God whispers to us through His word and through creation. Discover the beauty and meaning behind His whispers and how…
Why Is There a Christmas Story? - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
With so much extra biblical tradition surrounding Christmas, and with so many reading about the birth of Christ as simply…
Good Gifts - Our Gifts From God
As we reflect on this Christmas season, in the light of so much gift giving and receiving, we want to stop and reflect on all…
Thankful For All Men | 1 Timothy 2:1-4
This time of year, we take time to express thanks for the things and people we are thankful for. For most of us, there are…
Keep on Moving | 2 Peter 1:3-11
"Keep on Moving" is an exhortation to each one of us, individually, and to our local church, corporately. It is a reminder to keep…
Remember: A Sobering Celebration | Communion Service
Today we celebrate communion, and remember what Christ did for us!
Fill My Cup Lord - Psalm 23
Today we are joined by Pastor Gus Layman as he preaches from Psalm 23. Specifically, Psalm 23:5 where…
The Resurrection of Jesus: Why Should We Care? | Easter Sunday Service
We live in an oversaturated world where we take in large amounts of information each and every day. Everyone seems to be telling us WHAT we should believe...
A Confident Life - The Will of God For Your Life
As Christians, we are (rightly) very concerned with God's will for our lives. What He wants us to do, how He wants us to live. But sometimes we get too concerned with it, in the wrong way. The answer to how to live in…
The Sum of All Things
The Sum of All Things - In this New Year message we examine some passages of Scripture that provide a context for how we think about all things. These passages are grand, sweeping declarations that…