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Objections to Eternal Security – Part 6 | Secure | Week 10
This morning, we want to continue our study from the last 2 weeks by looking at one of the warning passages in Hebrews 10…
Objections to Eternal Security – Part 5 | Secure | Week 9
This morning, we want to continue our study from last week by looking at one of the warning passages in Hebrews 6…
Objections to Eternal Security – Part 4 | Secure | Week 8
This morning, we want to continue our study from last week by concluding a passage in one of Paul’s epistles and providing an introduction to the Book of Hebrews in preparation for teaching two of the warning passages found therein…
Objections to Eternal Security – Part 3 | Secure | Week 7
This morning, we want to continue our study from last week by considering passages in the gospels and in Paul’s epistles that have caused people to object to eternal security….
Objections To Eternal Security: The Gospels - Part 2 | Secure | Week 6
This morning, we want to continue our study from last week by considering passages in the gospels that have caused people to object to eternal security….
Objections to Eternal Security – The Gospels | Secure | Week 5
This morning, we want to consider passages in the gospels that have given people concern when determining whether or not to believe that salvation is truly once and for all…
Our Position IN Christ | Secure | Week 4
This morning we will a very common confusion as it relates to eternal security – confusion regarding the three tenses of our one salvation…
Confusion Regarding the Three Tenses of Salvation | Secure | Week 3
This morning we will a very common confusion as it relates to eternal security – confusion regarding the three tenses of our one salvation…
The Value Of The Finished Work of Christ | Secure | Week 2
This morning we will consider the high value of the finished work of Christ. In His UNIQUE sacrifice, He secured a UNIQUE accomplishment that has lasting and eternal results.
Eternally Secure: Defining Our Terms | Secure | Week 1
Have you ever wondered how good is good enough to get into heaven? Between 0-100%, how certain are you personally that you will go to heaven when you die? Do you think anyone could ever be 100% sure they are going to heaven before they die?
Lessons from Jesus’ Public Life | Paul Curtas
Today, we learn more about the characteristics of God that make Him unlike anything in this world. Regardless of how uncertain life may be, we can know for sure the God is always present, never changing, and will always keep His promises.
Anchor of Hope: Stability in Uncertainty | Carl Greene
Today, we learn more about the characteristics of God that make Him unlike anything in this world. Regardless of how uncertain life may be, we can know for sure the God is always present, never changing, and will always keep His promises.