All Messages
“The Mystery” That Put Paul in Prison | Ephesians 3:1-5 | Week 14
As Paul wraps up his section on believers’ union with Christ and with one another in God’s unique building project, where He inhabitants them, he starts a prayer for the Ephesian believers in verse 1. However,…
God's Construction Project | Ephesians 2:19-22 | Week 13
At the end of chapter 2, Paul shifts in his metaphors. He has been using the metaphor describing the church as ONE body, and now he shifts to a metaphor describing the church as ONE building. The Church is…
The Ultimate Mediator | Ephesians 2:15-18 | Week 12
The Jew/Gentile distinction and separation was HUGE throughout all of human history since Genesis 12 and the call of Abraham. Part of that distinction between the two groups was INTENTIONAL (by God) and part of it was an UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCE of human pride. God’s salvation PLAN…
Another Flashback, Another Game Changer | Ephesians 2:11-14 | Week 11
Having established the individual saint’s relationship to God, Paul now develops the individual’s relationship to other individuals in the body of Christ. To do this, Paul…
God’s Grace Riches | Ephesians 2:8-10 | Week 10
Last week, we looked at the ultimate and eternal “GAME-CHANGER” found in two words - BUT GOD…God is excited about His grand plan in Jesus Christ and He is…
The Game Changer | Ephesians 2:4-7 | Week 9
After burying every man, woman, and child in abject spiritual bankruptcy in the first three verses of chapter 2, Paul now introduces a GAME CHANGER. As it turns out…
Our Dirty, Dark, Despicable Past | Ephesians 2:1-3 | Week 8
Having just finished on the peak of the mountaintop in chapter 1, Paul now flashes back to where we started. The past for every believer in Jesus Christ is…
Prayer For Those Who Have Everything - Part 2 | Ephesians 1:19b-23 | Week 7
This morning, we continue our look at Paul's two-pronged prayer request for believers who already have everything. Those requests are: (1) KNOWING God more intimately, and (2)…
The Vision For The Future
This morning, the elders of our local church wanted to take time to communicate with our local body about a change in focus and intentionality in our ministry. Our church plans…
Prayer For Those Who Have Everything - Part 1 | Ephesians 1:17-19a | Week 6
This morning, we look at Paul's two-pronged prayer request for believers who already have everything. Those requests are: (1) KNOWING God more intimately, and (2)…
The Seal & The Prayer | Ephesians 1:13-16 | Week 5
This morning, we look at the way God "closed us up" IN Christ. Not only did God design His grand plan of placing each and every believer IN Christ when they believed, but He also provided…
The Sasquatch Mom | Proverbs 31:10-31
God the Father had a GRAND plan and that plan was NOT found in a list of steps, or in a certain method, but rather it was found and executed IN…