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Masterpiece - Psalms 139
Todays sermon is on Psalms 139, and how we are fearfully and wonderfully made by our creator.
Too Wonderful - Part 1 - Psalms 139
This morning, Pastor Carl Greene speaks Psalms 139, as the Psalmist paints a picture the care of God for us.
Prophecy Fulfilled At The Cross - John 19:17-27
This morning, we look at some amazing prophecy that was fulfilled at the cross, and move forward from the trial phase of Jesus to the penalty phase. Roman crucifixion was the most diabolical form of death ever invented! The apostle John will now move us around and give us different viewpoints of the cross. He will give us different perspectives of the same event, and through this we learn even more about Jesus and God’s overarching plan for redemption.
The Final Judgment - John 19:10-16
In this message, we conclude the sub-section of the Book of John concerning Jesus’ legal trials, which we have entitled, “Kangaroo Court!" Pilates is convinced that Jesus is innocent, and he has done everything in his purview of options to get Him released. However, as we will see in this passage, he eventually runs out of ideas. The final, “official,” judgment will be made and Jesus will be condemned to be crucified.
Kangaroo Court Pt. 5 - John 18:39-19:16
This morning we continue a sub-section of John concerning the trials of Jesus. There were six of Jesus' trials, three Jewish and three Roman! Kangaroo court continues this week in the final Roman courtroom. This morning, we have a very weird trial because Pilate is running out of options. A judge convinced of a Man’s innocence, will punish him anyways! The judge’s motivation for doing so is so that his accusers will let him go! This is crazy! Additionally, it is unheard of for a Roman judge to knowingly release a person trying to overthrow the Roman government, and yet that happens here. Kangaroo Court is still in session!
The Unethical Trials of Jesus - John 18:35-38
This morning we continue a sub-section of John concerning the trials of Jesus. There were six of Jesus' trials, three Jewish and three Roman! Kangaroo court continues this week in two Roman courtrooms. This morning, we will finish up the first Roman trial and consider the circumstances that led to Jesus’ second Roman trial. The verdicts of both trials? Jesus is innocent!
Kangaroo Court In Session Part 3 - John 18:29-34
This morning we continue a sub-section of John concerning the trials of Jesus. There were six of Jesus' trials, three Jewish and three Roman! Kangaroo court continues this week, but it changes locations to a Roman courtroom. This morning, we will first consider the judge, Pilate, because he was a compromised man at this exact point in history. So, we begin the first Roman trial of Jesus.
Kangaroo Court In Session Part 2 - John 18:24-28
This morning we continue a sub-section of John concerning the trials of Jesus. There were six of Jesus' trials, three Jewish and three Roman! Both Jewish and Roman legal philosophy were renowned. In fact, Roman jurisprudence has become foundational to Western civilization and its jurisprudence. However, when these two systems came together in the case of Jesus Christ, the result was one of the most infamous miscarriages of justice in the history of mankind! Kangaroo court continues this week as we consider Jesus’ second and third Jewish trials and also Peter’s second and third denials!
Revealing the Unknown God
This morning, Alex Musser fills in and speaks on a story in Acts 17, the Unknown God.
Kangaroo Court In Session - John 18:12-23
This morning we start a sub-section of John concerning Jesus’ legal trials. There were six of them, three Jewish and three Roman! Both Jewish and Roman legal philosophy were renowned. In fact, Roman jurisprudence has become foundational to Western civilization and its jurisprudence. However, when these two systems came together in the case of Jesus Christ, the result was one of the most infamous miscarriage of justice in the history of mankind! Kangaroo court is now in session!
Diabolical Betrayal - John 18:1-11
We are jumping ahead now to chapter 18 and chapters 18-21 form the portion of John known as THE PASSION OF CHRIST. This section includes Jesus' trials and death (chapters 18 & 19), and His resurrection and appearances (chapters 20 & 21).This morning we are going to consider the details of the betrayal by Judas that Jesus has been predicting for some time. Remember, it was in the Upper Room, during the Passover Meal, that Jesus first mentioned that His betrayer would be one of the twelve.
Double Betrayal - John 13:21-30, 36-38
Jesus has just finished His object lesson of foot washing with an exhortation to put these truths of servant-leadership into practice. Immediately following His exhortation, Jesus then calls out the “elephant in the room” (verses 18-19) – someone in the room would betray Him and He was telling them ahead of time to give them one more reason to believe that Jesus is who He says is. He is the Great I AM! (verse 19) In our passage this morning, Jesus is not only going to further identify who the betrayer is, but we are going to see Jesus mention a second betrayal.