What Is It?
Discipleship Makers Multiplied (DM2) is a week-long conference, for youth, led by youth. It's a whole week of deep-diving into the Bible, learning about it and empowering you with the knowledge and confidence to be a disciple, and eventual disciple-maker, of Jesus Christ.
Enjoy a week of getting to know other people your age from all around the country; learning and growing together.
During the conference this year, we will be covering chapters 1-8 of the book of Romans.
Is This Conference For You?
We will be the first to admit, this is no summer camp with a zip-line and crafts type of experience. It's an intense week of all-day Bible studying. This week is geared towards those who have a strong desire for ministry or disciple-making, and those who are intense about studying the Bible. By the time the week is over, you will have been through over 30 hours of training!
Still sound like something you're interested in? Perfect!
Oh, And The Best Part? It's totally free!
If you come in from out of town/out of state, you only have to pay for a hotel. The conference and material is completely free to you! The hotel provides breakfast, and we will provide lunch AND dinner each day!