Right around the corner is the Labor Day Survey Evangelism outreach at Keith’s Korner. Located at 448 W. Hwy 34, Newnan, the event will be Saturday (8/31), and Monday (9/2) from 9 am to 5 pm. A variety of help is needed, and sign-up sheets will be in the foyer.
People are needed to:
Set up and take down the tent and tables
Invite people into the booth
Conduct the surveys, and
Behind the scenes helpers to provide water bottles, and coolers with ice.
Also, the Coweta County Fair (September 20th - 29th) is next month. Please begin to make plans now to be involved in this outreach.
What is Survey Evangelism?
It is a tool to help you share the Gospel by using an eleven question survey on people's spiritual viewpoints. This shows a person's understanding of what the Bible teaches on how we can have eternal life and assurance that cannot be lost. If the person does not understand or believe, we ask if we can show them from the Bible how they can know for sure. If they agree, we go through the Gospel diagram - simply using what the Bible says.
If you learn how to use this tool, you will find that what you have learned will equip you for daily situations when there are opportunities for spiritual conversations. Pastor Clark does a training session that takes an hour a couple times a year when members are interested. Participating in the training and doing survey evangelism events does not require a specific time and date commitment.
We welcome you to come to an event and sit with a trained member to observe how the survey tool is used. It seems at this point that God is providing us with many more opportunities this year than ever before. We do need more workers to tend the harvest. Please consider learning this tool.
Watch the training video HERE.