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Survey Evangelism: Car Cruise In

We are hosting a car show! Actually, 3! ⠀

Join us at Junction Lanes on the second Saturday of the month all summer long, for a Car Cruise-In! Check out all kinds of cars, motorcycles, and trucks on display, from modern to vintage. ⠀

Everyone who participates can also enter to win door prizes! You won't want to miss it.

What is Survey Evangelism?

It is a tool to help you share the Gospel by using an eleven question survey on people's spiritual viewpoints.  This shows a person's understanding of what the Bible teaches on how we can have eternal life and assurance that cannot be lost.  If the person does not understand or believe, we ask if we can show them from the Bible how they can know for sure.  If they agree, we go through the Gospel diagram - simply using what the Bible says.


If you learn how to use this tool, you will find that what you have learned will equip you for daily situations when there are opportunities for spiritual conversations. Pastor Clark does a training session that takes an hour a couple times a year when members are interested.  Participating in the training and doing survey evangelism events does not require a specific time and date commitment.  


We welcome you to come to an event and sit with a trained member to observe how the survey tool is used. It seems at this point that God is providing us with many more opportunities this year than ever before. We do need more workers to tend the harvest.  Please consider learning this tool.

August 6

Senior Fellowship Lunch

August 18

Survey Evangelism Training