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  • Grace Community Fellowship 75 Roscoe Road Newnan United States (map)

Join us for Youth!

From 6:30-8:30pm every Wednesday, following a normal school schedule.

This year, we are studying through a curriculum on the New Testament, seeing how the entirety of the New Testament fits together in God’s plan for the church age, as well as the future!

The curriculum is a DM2 study book where you can follow along and fill in blanks. (learn more about DM2 materials here)

Click the button below to take a look at the calendar, and follow us on social to stay up to date with meetings, special events, and more!

Any questions, feel free to reach out to Joshua Miller at 678-777-0399 via text or call.

For middle school through high school age

March 30

GCF Ladies Bible Study | Colossians

April 3

Men's Morning Bible Study | Men's Group