Sunday Night Messages
Revelation; A 30k Foot View | Week 3 of End Times Prophecy
This week we will cover the entire Book of Revelation from a 30,000 foot view to give us an overall and summary understanding of the book.
The Rapture of the Church | Week 2 of End Times Prophecy
This week we will examine the Scriptural teaching on the rapture of the church and review the different interpretations on “when” this much anticipated event will happen.
Bible Prophecy Overview | Week 1 of End Times Prophecy
Let’s take a look at all of the major prophetic events on the prophetic calendar for the end times.
Interpretation & Application | Bible Study Methods | Week 2
the interpretation and application portion of studying the Bible.
Bible Study Methods | Intro. and Observation | Week 1
Week 1 of Bible Study Methods. Pastor John explains how to study the Bible. This week, Introduction and observation.
The Outer Darkness Pt. 3 | Week 7 of The Judgement Seat of Christ
Understanding the outer darkness. What it is, and what it means for you.
The Outer Darkness Pt. 2 | Week 6 of The Judgement Seat of Christ
Understanding the outer darkness. What it is, and what it means for you.
The Outer Darkness Pt. 1 | Week 5 of The Judgement Seat of Christ
Understanding the outer darkness. What it is, and what it means for you.
The Judgement Seat | Week 4 of The Judgement Seat of Christ
Pastor John explains the Judgement seat; a continuation from last week.
The Bema Seat Judgement | Week 3 of The Judgement Seat of Christ
Pastor John explores the Bema seat judgement. What it is, what it is NOT, and what will happen.
What Are Rewards? Pt. 2 | Week 2 of The Judgement Seat of Christ
John Clark explains heavenly rewards: what they are and why they're important.
What Are Rewards? Pt. 1 | Week 1 of The Judgement Seat of Christ
What are heavenly rewards? Should we even care about them?