Concluding The Whole Thing | Ecclesiastes 12:11-14 | Week 37

Last week (v9-10), Solomon described how painstakingly he put together the words of Ecclesiastes, and this week he is going to give a strong exhortation to his listeners to respond to his words. Although biblically, we know that Solomon was just a human instrument, used by God, to record His words (2 Peter 1:21). The thrust of today’s lesson is that the Word of God is designed to elicit a response! It is this response, or lack of response that direct one’s course in life “under the sun” AND life that follows (i.e., eternity).


Last week (v9-10), Solomon described how painstakingly he put together the words of Ecclesiastes, and this week he is going to give a strong exhortation to h...



It Is What It Is (But It Doesn't Have To Be) | Week 1


Still Vanity | Ecclesiastes 12:7-10 | Week 36