Still Vanity | Ecclesiastes 12:7-10 | Week 36

Today, we conclude the section that we started last week – death is sure and it is the final act or scene of our lives. But even after that, Solomon says it is vanity! But it is EVEN MORE than this – Solomon is saying “All is vanity” even after his book (Ecclesiastes) reaches its final pages. You would think that by this stage of the book, the tension would be gone and we would only have a happy ending, but “No!” That is NOT “life under the sun.”


Today, we conclude the section that we started last week - death is sure and it is the final act or scene of our lives. But even after that, Solomon says it ...



Concluding The Whole Thing | Ecclesiastes 12:11-14 | Week 37


Remember Your Creator | Ecclesiastes 12:1-6 | Week 35