Limited But Still Better | Ecclesiastes 7:23-28 | Week 23

Solomon is never afraid to give us the truth in a real and raw way. He does not hold back, and is not afraid, it seems, of being brutally honest to the point of shocking people. As we conclude chapter 7 of the book of Ecclesiastes from the old testament, Solomon reminds us of his credentials and methodology of investigation, and then provides us with the conclusions of his investigation. It is simply this: wisdom is NOT a bullet proof vest for life, but folly is a bullet magnet. Wisdom has limits, but folly never works and thus divine wisdom, obtained via the fear of the Lord, is to be preferred. Sermon Preached: July 5 2020


Solomon is never afraid to give us the truth in a real and raw way. He does not hold back, and is not afraid, it seems, of being brutally honest to the point...



Wise Response To Government | Ecclesiastes 7:29-8:5 | Week 24


True and Phony Pursuits | Ecclesiastes 7:15-22 | Week 22