True and Phony Pursuits | Ecclesiastes 7:15-22 | Week 22

Is it good to purse “GOOD” things (i.e., God, wisdom, good character, righteousness)? Yes, of course! However, does this pursuit ALONE guarantee success in life “under the sun?” Does this pursuit ALONE guarantee insulation from life’s trials and difficult circumstances? According to Solomon in the book of Ecclesiastes, and according to much of our human experience, we can say No, it does not! Many people are deceived by this thinking – if I live right, try to do right, then things will always work out for my favor. Many think God is obligated to clear our path for us if we live life this way. This type of thinking can lead to great frustration in our lives. There is something we need to grasp (verse 18) in our passage this morning… Preached: June 28 2020


Is it good to purse "GOOD" things (i.e., God, wisdom, good character, righteousness)? Yes, of course! However, does this pursuit ALONE guarantee success in l...


Limited But Still Better | Ecclesiastes 7:23-28 | Week 23


The Value of Wisdom In Trials | Ecclesiastes 7:11-14 | Week 21