An Unfortunately Successful Message | Jonah 2:8-3:10 | Week 4

Last week, we left Jonah in the belly of his “organic salvation submarine!” Remember, the fish was actually God’s physical salvation plan from Jonah drowning in the sea. This morning, we will see that Jonah receives another chance to fulfill his mission, and unfortunately for Jonah he is very successful on his missionary journey! We are going to see mercy and grace in ACTION this morning! God is going to give Jonah a second chance (that he does NOT deserve), and God is going to give one of the most evil empires in the history of the world a chance to avoid His judgment (they also did NOT deserve this opportunity)!



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The Faithful Hound of Heaven | Jonah 4:1-11 | Week 5


A Fishy Salvation | Jonah 1:14-2:7 | Week 3