The Faithful Hound of Heaven | Jonah 4:1-11 | Week 5

The 19th Century English poet, Francis Thomson, wrote the poem The Hound of Heaven after his life had been messed up by drug addiction and poverty. He speaks of running away from a God who was pursuing him like a hound in pursuit of a rabbit. We will see that this morning in the life of Jonah. It would be easy to assume that chapter 3, Nineveh’s miraculous response is the climax of the story, but then chapter 4 was written. This narrative does NOT have a clean ending – no closure! But what we do see is a gracious God personally pursuing an unworthy prophet! NOT pursuing him for salvation but pursuing him for fellowship!



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A Healthy Heart


An Unfortunately Successful Message | Jonah 2:8-3:10 | Week 4