Sound Advice for A Confusing Life | Ecclesiastes 8:14-17 | Week 26

Many things in life get us down, get us frustrated, get us anxious or even depressed. BUT take this life advice: Even though this is the case, and we cannot figure out EVERY individual scene of life, we are designed to thoroughly ENJOY our lives as we remain in fellowship with the Lord. Again, we are NOT designed to enjoy life apart from fellowship with the Lord, but we can enjoy life to the fullest when we are in fellowship with Him, seeing life (and every individual event) through His eyes. Preached: 8/2/20


Many things in life get us down, get us frustrated, get us anxious or even depressed. BUT take this life advice: Even though this is the case, and we cannot ...



Reflections On Death | Ecclesiastes 9:1-6 | Week 27


Wisdom When Justice Is Not Clear | Ecclesiastes 8:6-13 | Week 25