Reflections On Death | Ecclesiastes 9:1-6 | Week 27

From the end of chapter 8, we realize that wisdom ALONE will never be able to fully understand God’s plans and purposes for life “under the sun” in every individual scene of life. On top of that, today’s passage shows us that no matter HOW you and I live life on this earth you and I face a certain END! 10 out of 10 people die regardless of how they have lived life! So, how will you respond to this information: (1) Will you become listless, despondent, and lazy with your life choices? OR (2) Will you live life to the fullest, desiring to make every moment that you have be worthwhile and acceptable to the Lord?

Preached: August 9 2020


From the end of chapter 8, we realize that wisdom ALONE will never be able to fully understand God's plans and purposes for life "under the sun" in every ind...



Value & Enjoy Life | Ecclesiastes 9:7-12 | Week 28


Sound Advice for A Confusing Life | Ecclesiastes 8:14-17 | Week 26