Value & Enjoy Life | Ecclesiastes 9:7-12 | Week 28

Instead of allowing grief to consume one’s life because DEATH happens to ALL, Solomon urges that whatever remains of our lives should be enjoyed to the fullest. This should be especially true of those who fear God, who take life as a gift from His hand, and who receive His plan and enablement of how to enjoy life while honoring God. The tendency to brood and to mope has to be resisted in the lives of believers as it reflects a carnal focus. DON’T WASTE THE GIFT THAT IS YOUR LIFE! There is value, purpose, and meaning in your life. Preached: Aug 16 2020


Instead of allowing grief to consume one's life because DEATH happens to ALL, Solomon urges that whatever remains of our lives should be enjoyed to the fulle...



Wisdom Is Better | Ecclesiastes 9:13-18 | Week 29


Reflections On Death | Ecclesiastes 9:1-6 | Week 27