What Went Wrong? | Genesis 3:1-19 | Til Death Do Us Part | Week 2

“THE plan only survives its first contact with reality” is a phrase uttered in military circles. The quote applies to marriage as well! God’s original design for marriage was and IS perfect without any fault. However, we will look at something today that made the execution of God’s plan for marriage extremely difficult. It was all good at the beginning, so, what went wrong? We’ll consider that question this morning. Preached: 7/21/2019


"THE plan only survives its first contact with reality" is a phrase uttered in military circles. The quote applies to marriage as well! God's original design for marriage was and IS perfect without any fault. However, we will look at something today that made the execution of God's plan for marriage extremely difficult.



Your Spouse Is Not Your Enemy; Common Areas of Disagreement | Till Death Do Us Part | Week 3


Marriage | Genesis 2:18-25 | Til Death Do Us Part | Week 1