Your Spouse Is Not Your Enemy; Common Areas of Disagreement | Till Death Do Us Part | Week 3

James 1:19-20, Ephesians 4:15 & 29

“Your spouse is NOT your enemy!” Husbands and wives need to be reminded of this constantly, because our marriages’ true enemy is an enemy within the camp. Each spouse possesses a sin nature that is looking for footholds to destroy, and disrupt even the most sincere and genuine couples. This morning we will look at three of the most common areas where our sin nature dig it’s heels in, and what the solution is for it.


James 1:19-20, Ephesians 4:15 & 29 "Your spouse is NOT your enemy!" Husbands and wives need to be reminded of this constantly, because our marriages' true enemy is an enemy within the camp. Each spouse possesses a sin nature that is looking for footholds to destroy, and disrupt even the most sincere and genuine couples.



Spouse Hunting - Part 1 | 1 Corinthians 7:1-9, 32&35 | Till Death Do Us Part | Week 4


What Went Wrong? | Genesis 3:1-19 | Til Death Do Us Part | Week 2