All Messages
The Second Sign - Healing of a Nobleman's Son | John 4:43-54 | Behold The Lamb
Now, Jesus continues on the journey that started about 3-4 days before and He begins a successful ministry in the region of Galilee. He begins a "successful" ministry tour…
Fully Convinced | John 4:36-42 | Behold The Lamb
We have been looking at Jesus’ divine appointment with a Samaritan woman the past couple of weeks. As that conversation is brought to a close, we will see…
Discipling the Disciples | John 4:27-35 | Week 21 of Behold The Lamb
We have been looking at Jesus’ divine appointment with a Samaritan woman the past couple of weeks. As that conversation is brought to a close, we will see…
An Offer You Can't Refuse - Part 2 | John 4:20-26 | Week 20 of Behold The Lamb
We have been looking at Jesus’ divine appointment with a Samaritan woman the past couple of weeks. This divine appointment continues to illustrate…
An Offer You Can’t Refuse | John 4:10-19 | Week 19 of Behold The Lamb
Last week the stage was set for a divine appointment between Jesus Christ and a woman from Samaria. As we work through this conversation, we will once again see…
Excursion to Samaria | John 4:1-9 | Week 18 of Behold The Lamb
All the way back in John 2:24-25 we learned that Jesus “knew all men” AND “He knew what was IN man.” This piercing and penetrating knowledge was put on full display in His
Last Words | John 3:31-36 | Week 17 of Behold The Lamb
Last week we started considering John the Baptist’s final recorded testimony in the gospels. Remember, John the Baptist’s disciples were…
Our Life Goal | John 3:22-30 | Week 16 of Behold The Lamb
This morning, we begin to observe the final recorded testimony of John the Baptist in the gospels. This testimony is prior to his arrest and eventual execution, and it allows us to really get into…
Clarifying Contrasts | John 3:18-21 | Week 15 of Behold The Lamb
This morning, as we close out Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus, He will utilize two contrasts to bring home His point. Remember, His point is TWO-FOLD:…
A Necessary Death | John 3:15-17 | Week 14 of Behold The Lamb
This morning, we come to the most well-known text in all of the Bible - John 3:16. One commentator said that John 3:16 is "a text that contains an ocean of thought and a drop of language." Martin Luther…
Further Explanations | John 3:11-14 | Week 13 of Behold The Lamb
This week, we are going to get a more in-depth explanation of not only WHY Nicodemus could and should trust Jesus' testimony about the "birth from above" but also…
A Life-Changing Conversation | John 3:3-10 | Week 12 of Behold The Lamb
We left off last time being introduced to Nicodemus, who was the premiere Rabbi in all of Israel at this time (3:10). One of the reasons John recorded this conversation was…