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Perfect Timing - John 12:12-19
Last week, our narrative recorded a dinner immediately following the Sabbath on Saturday night. Mary, the sister of Lazarus, performed...
First Love - John 12:1-11
In chapter 11, we reached the climax of John’s seven hand-selected signs to convince and persuade his readers to put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life. The...
The Plot To Kill Jesus - John 11:45-57
Last week, we reached the climax of Lazarus’ story – Jesus resuscitated him because He IS the resurrection and the life. This…
The Seventh Sign – Resuscitation of Lazarus - John 11:33-44
This morning, we reach the pinnacle or climax of the story of Lazarus – his resuscitation. Remember, the main technical….
Do You Know Who I Am? - John 11:23-32
As we continue with the story of Lazarus this morning, we pick up in the middle of Jesus’ conversation with Martha. Remember,
A Wake Up Call - John 11:11-22
Jesus had received a message that one of his good friends from a family He loved was deathly ill. His response was “different” to say the least, because instead of rushing to their side…
An Opportunity for God's Glory - John 11:1-10
Today, we begin a new chapter in John 11, and begin a familiar story with the story of Lazarus. In the beginning of this story, we…
Another Botched Execution - John 10:34-42
We will finish up Jesus’ conversation with the Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem during the Feast of Dedication (Hannukah). Jesus was asked…
Ultra Safe & Ultra Secure - John 10:29-33
As mentioned last week, Jesus is in Jerusalem again during the Feast of Dedication (Hannukah) and is now roughly…
Jesus Speaks Clearly - John 10:22-28
As we move from verse 21 to verse 22, we have fast-forwarded in time about three months. We are now roughly halfway between…
The Reason WHY Our Shepherd Is Good - John 10:12-21
As we continue looking at the powerful and piercing metaphor Jesus shared regarding shepherds and sheep, Jesus shared…
The Good Shepherd - John 10:7-11
Today the religious leaders learn that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He is not only the gate, but the gate keeper.