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God's Church Growth Program Pt. 2 | Ephesians 4:12-14 | Week 23
Last week, we began looking at God’s Church Growth Program and this is something to be excited about – Paul definitely was! We considered NOT only spiritual gifts given to believers but GIFTED MEN given to…
God’s Church Growth Program - Part 1 | Ephesians 4:11-12 | Week 22
After explaining the UNITY believers possess IN Christ in verses 1-6, Paul begins to explain God’s method of working out this UNITY. His method, although seemingly counterintuitive, is through diversity of…
Ascension Benefits | Ephesians 4:8-10 | Week 21
Having spoken about the UNITY we possess as believers, Paul now explains God’s method of working out this UNITY – it is through diversity of spiritual gifting. This seems counterintuitive – diversity typically…
The Unity We Already Possess | Ephesians 4:4-7 | Week 20
Verses 4-6 describe seven aspects of THE unity accomplished by the Spirit of God by uniting us IN Christ. The mention of “endeavoring” to keep the unity of the Spirit in verse 3 is what springboards Paul into…
To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate | Romans 14:1-5
To Vaccinate or not to Vaccinate? That is a question on many of our minds these days. This question engenders many strong emotions on both sides of the issue. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could turn in our Bible and read…
Walking Worthy – Some Qualifiers | Ephesians 4:1-3 | Week 19
The SIT portion of Ephesians has come to a close at the end of chapter 3. There are 40 commands in the book of Ephesians, and only one of those was found in the first three chapters. We now enter…
Praying For Something Unattainable | Ephesians 3:18-21 | Week 18
Last week, we started Paul’s prayer and we looked at his first request and his first desired result. In today’s section we will consider his second request and his second desired result. It is somewhat ironic though…
Why Water Baptism? | Baptism Sermon
There are lots of common misconceptions about baptism. The mode (sprinkling, immersion, etc.), the reason for it (salvation, spiritual power, discipleship, etc.), and its overall need….
A Prayer for Inner Strengthening | Ephesians 3:14-17 | Week 17
Paul finally begins the prayer he wanted to start in verse 1. His prayer is broken up into two requests with two desired results – we will consider his first request and first desired result…
The Wisdom of God on Display | Ephesians 3:10-13 | Week 16
In Paul’s excursus from verse 2, he has been explaining his role in communicating the MYSTERY and this week we are going to see one of God’s overarching GOALS for revealing the mystery …
An Insignificant Tool and His Role | Ephesians 3:6-9 | Week 15
As Paul wraps up his section on believers’ union with Christ and with one another in God’s unique building project, where He inhabitants them, he starts a prayer for the Ephesian believers in verse 1. However,…
No Masks: Dealing With Hypocrisy | Luke 12:1-3 | Pastor Carl Greene
Hypocrisy is something that simultaneously is hated by everyone in the world, yet practiced by everyone in the world. We all have been known to be hypocrites about something at at least one point in our lives, whether its…