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Doubling Down | John 5:17-21 | Behold The Lamb
To “Double Down” means to strengthen one's commitment to a particular strategy or course of action, typically one that is potentially risky. This morning, we are going to see…
A Sticky Sabbath | John 5:10-16 | Behold The Lamb
Last week, we looked at Jesus’ healing of a crippled man at the Pool of Bethesda. This was John’s THIRD hand-selected sign and because this sign was done on…
The Third Sign - Healing of a Disabled Man | John 5:1-9 | Behold The Lamb
Jesus had just gotten to Galilee at the end of chapter 4, and now He is heading back to Jerusalem, for a Jewish feast, here at the beginning of…
The Second Sign - Healing of a Nobleman's Son | John 4:43-54 | Behold The Lamb
Now, Jesus continues on the journey that started about 3-4 days before and He begins a successful ministry in the region of Galilee. He begins a "successful" ministry tour…
Repenting of Your Sins: False Gospel Responses
This morning we will continue to attempt to provide clarity on two important items of truth: (1) The Gospel message, and (2) The Biblical Response…
Fill My Cup Lord - Psalm 23
Today we are joined by Pastor Gus Layman as he preaches from Psalm 23. Specifically, Psalm 23:5 where…
What the Gospel Response Is NOT - Part 3
This morning we will continue to attempt to provide clarity on two important items of truth: (1) The Gospel message, and (2) The Biblical Response…
What the Gospel Response Is NOT - Part 2
This morning we will continue to attempt to provide clarity on two important items of truth: (1) The Gospel message, and (2) The Biblical…
What the Gospel Response Is NOT - Part 1
This morning we will continue to attempt to provide clarity on two important items of truth: (1) The Gospel message, and (2) The…
The Resurrection of Jesus: Why Should We Care? | Easter Sunday Service
We live in an oversaturated world where we take in large amounts of information each and every day. Everyone seems to be telling us WHAT we should believe...
What Is The Gospel?
This morning, and for the next few weeks, we are going to take a detour from the Book of John to focus on the Gospel and the biblical response to the Gospel. As we have studied through…