All Messages
The Keen Insight of Jesus | John 2:23-3:2 | Week 11 of Behold The Lamb
Last week, we saw Jesus “clean house” and really put Himself on the radar of the Jewish religious elite. They had asked Him for a divine sign or miracle to validate the authority He claimed for cleansing the Temple. Jesus pointed…
A Little Housekeeping | John 2:12-22 | Week 10 of Behold The Lamb
…Now, this sign miracle was somewhat private, and thus He was still relatively “off the radar.” That will change this morning! Jesus will announce His presence in a way that will place Him permanently “on the radar” of the Jewish leaders through His first temple cleansing.
Water To Wine | John 2:1-11 | Week 9 of Behold The Lamb
This morning, we will conclude the “momentous week” in the life of Jesus, John the Baptist, and His disciples with their attendance of a wedding feast. At this feast, Jesus performs the first of seven signs, hand-picked by…
Introduction to The Cast and Crew | John 1:40-51 | Week 8 of Behold The Lamb
This morning, we continue to move forward in a “momentous week” in the life of Jesus, John the Baptist, and future disciples. Remember last week, John the Baptist evidently sees the Lord Jesus returning from…
Divine ‘Show and Tell’ | John 1:29-39 | Week 7 of Behold The Lamb
This morning, we are moving forward in “momentous week” in the life of Jesus, John the Baptist, and others. Remember last week, the first day of this seven-day sequence, the Jewish religious leaders interrogated…
The Interrogation of John | John 1:19-28 | Week 6 of Behold The Lamb
Today, we begin a larger section of the Book running through John 12:50. This section contains Jesus’ public ministry, including the seven signs, hand selected by John, and Jesus’ seven discourses…
The Unique Revelation of God | John 1:15-18 | Week 5 of Behold The Lamb
The last couple of weeks we saw that John the Baptist’s unique prophetic ministry was NOT 100% effective. His purpose was to get everyone to believe in Jesus Christ – but only some did and most didn’t. This morning…
Receiving the Light | John 1:12-14 | Week 4 of Behold The Lamb
Last week, we looked at John the Baptist’s ministry – he shined the light on the LIGHT - he spotlighted the LIGHT! And yet, even though he identified Jesus Christ as the Messiah, we considered one of the most tragic…
The Purpose of John the Baptist’s Ministry | John 1:6-11 | Week 3 of Behold The Lamb
Last week, we considered the Person of Jesus Christ – who He REALLY is! He always existed in the past, He was always in fellowship with the Father in the past, and He was always God. He created everything…
The Beginning | John 1:1-5 | Week 2 of Behold The Lamb
Last week as we introduced John, we considered the purpose statement of the book (John 20:30-31)…but we will not fully understand Him or the good news about Him if we do not know who He is – and when we know…
Behold The Lamb - Introduction To The Book of John | Week 1
“Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John the Baptist repeats this phrase twice in chapter 1:29 and 1:35-36 of this book. In this study of the Book of John, this is what we simply want to do, because…